Liceo Artistico A. Vittoria Design Competition
architecture, outdoor spaces design, graphic design
7572 sqm (interior), 1661 sqm (outdoor), 5060 sqm (garden)
Province of Trento
Federica Andreis, Massimo Baldini, Federico Bargone, Francesco Bartolucci, Chiara Bugna, Elisa Burnazzi, Leonardo delle Chiaie, Davide Feltrin, Luigi Luccioli, Paolo Murara, Gianluca Pelizzi, Paolo Sartori, Alessandro Svaldi, Roberto Svaldi, Alessandro Zuanni
graphic design
Chiara Bugna, Elisa Burnazzi, Alessandro Zuanni
Liceo Artistico A. Vittoria Design Competition: the fence that frees
School is a place with a great public value since it’s where tomorrow’s citizens will grown and get an education: in this case pursuing the quality of the building and its surrounding is essential. Architectural Competitions are a righteous way, for the entire community, to assign a commission, moreover they are an opportunity, for all the architects who take part, to research and compare new solutions. Our project’s motto, both ironic and serious, is: the fence that frees.
Liceo Artistico A. Vittoria Design Competition: to fulfil a dream
The project for the Liceo Artistico A. Vittoria Design Competition deals with the theme of school building and aims to achieve both urban well-being and students’ wellness especially while they are coming of age. A school that shows its creativity on the outside, which shows how good and innovative the new generations can be. An architecture that stands as a Landmark, capable of guiding citizens, improving livability and safety in the neighborood.
Liceo Artistico A. Vittoria Design Competition: our project between architecture, outdoor spaces design and graphic design
The concept is ironic and serious at the same time: the fence that frees. This alludes to teenagers’ development, who, with only few clear rules to respect, can cultivate their uniqueness and their creative potential. A rhomboid steel wire loose mesh, covered in PVC in a standard red colour, which symbolize strength and vitality, allows to reduce costs while at the same time strongly characterizes the building as part of the urban setting. One side of the building faces the garden, the nature, the other one faces the street, but thanks to the coloured network, the city (and the school too!) is partly concealed. The roof top of the existent building is used as an outdoor space, in addition to the garden.
Inside the building, micro gardens, obtained by removing parts of the existing beams, together with the coloured paint used for the classrooms, the furnishings and the light quality, configure a minimal, yet inspiring and relaxing, space.
The economic and functional sustainability of the building is guaranteed by respecting the existing building, as required by the competition rules, which imposed to maintain the structural cores, the basement and the ground floor. Environmental sustainability is guaranteed by compliance with the LEED protocol.
The project sees the school as a place of education, on every level, a place in which social sustainability can be achieved. This school can help the growth not only of the boys and girls attending it, but also the one of the nearby San Giuseppe’s preschool children or even the one of the neighbourhood people who could be involved them in some of the school’s activities.